Lilo and Stitch Movie Funny Moments

Lilo & Stitch franchise funny moments
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You'd make these faces, too, if y'all saw what Pleakley was wearing.

Lilo & Stitch: The Series shows way more than of the many absurd things that the Pelekai ʻohana become into, which leads to plenty of funny moments.

Spoilers Off for funny moments pages.

  • In the opening sequence, at that place's a brief montage of the entire main cast (and a few pocket-size characters) hula dancing. Why is this "funny" instead of merely "beautiful?" Because we truly mean the unabridged main bandage, upwards to and including Jumba, Hämsterviel, Gantu, and Cobra Bubbles (the latter two who even kept their normal apparel on—Gantu's uniform and Cobra's Men in Blackness suit—and just put on a hula skirt over them).
    • Even Water ice Cream Man is in in that location!

Pilot movie (Stitch! The Motion picture)

  • Run across its funny moments folio.

Season 1


  • Gantu gets teleported to Hämsterviel'due south jail cell instead of 513, and the large dummy is stuck in Hämsterviel'southward teleportation chamber. The hamster-like alien is not tickled.


  • The fact that when they end upwards being chased past Phantasmo, the ghostly experiment possesses... an animatronic parrot. Of all the things to attack someone with, it goes with a Hawaiian Toucan Sam.


  • Stitch unsuccessfully attempting to arrive on Lilo's thought process.

    Lilo: You look like a hairy hairball... and you seem to like to eat hair... and you're fabricated of pilus... so I'grand going to call you...
    Stitch: Hairy!
    Lilo: (as though the very idea is ridiculous) No! "Prune"!
    Stitch: Huh?

    • Even funnier when you consider Lilo is responsible for such past gems as Finder, Nappifier, and Hotcold. She was even going to name Morpholomew, "Changer", which Trixie convinced her not to become with.
  • When Clip evades Gantu into a bus, he goes into a big Badass Avowal about how she volition not escape him—complete with lightning—merely to detect some kids looking at him and, slightly embarrassed, simply goes, "I hateful, I, uh, missed my omnibus".
  • Jumba gets very happy when his hair suddenly grows back (every bit a massive afro). He makes the whole planet shake!

    Lilo: Inside voice, Uncle Jumba.

"Mr. Stenchy"

  • Run up is not the merely experiment who's jealous of Mr. Stenchy.


  • The fears, bated from Nani'southward nightmare and Stitch's bounding main of despair, are kinda humorous, like Jumba being afraid of his ex-wife, Pleakley being agape of his mother, and Mertle and her posse being scared of Lilo. Yeah... they have some rather odd fears.


  • Pleakley'south very interesting take on yoga hilariously baffles the rest of the ʻohana (and the audience).


  • Gantu fails to realize the concept of a sandcastle.

    Gantu (looking upward at Stitch's sand-made fortress): Open upward! I'm hither for the abomination!
    Lilo: Go away! I like abominations! (she, Sew together and Cannonball blow raspberries)
    Gantu: (facepalms) I'll accept to devise an assault program for this fortified defense structure. (leans confronting it, his paw goes through the wall) This is just made out of loosely-compressed silicate!

  • When Lilo tells Jumba and Pleakley about Mertle's sand sculptor idea, they unintentionally hold that it is ameliorate than Lilo'south idea.


  • Stitch ingesting Gigi during his coffee high? Gross. Scaring Mertle and her posse upon doing so? Priceless.
  • When Lilo wakes up in her hotel bed the next morn, she notices that Sew had left the room. Worried that Stitch had gone out to cause destruction around Honolulu, she, Pleakley, and Jumba (the last of whom expresses excitement, of course) all look out the window for Sew... so plow around to run across him coming dorsum into the room carrying a bucket of ice wondering what'southward all the commotion.


  • The Never-Ending Dance that Jumba and Pleakley end up going into. Seriously, they dress up in Disco garb and everything and even sing along to a very odd vocal.
  • David and Lilo having a rather childish talk about that results in Stitch eating some turtle wax.


  • Nobody wins effectually Splodyhead. Seriously, it'south mostly Ballsy Fail when dealing with it while stuck on the island.


  • Gantu gets hypnotized and 625 and Hämsterviel taking advantage of this past making Gantu practice ridiculous things.


  • Every fourth dimension Fibber beeps. Seriously, the timing is glorious with each one.
  • Pleakley perking up when Jumba comes out in disguise as the bride. Rather funny reaction honestly.
  • This:

    Mrs. Pleakley: Bye son. Try to wearable men's wearing apparel more oft.

    Pleakley: I volition! (Fibber beeps as Pleakley gives a flat look in response.)

  • The revelation that Pleakley's first name is Wendy. Nani even finds information technology funny.
  • Run up's failed attempts to hide Fibber include using his (Sew's) mouth, a clothes hamper, the dryer, and the toilet.


  • When Tank beginning shows up:

    Tour Guide: Don't worry it's just a wild pig. It'southward probable scared that people are in its habitat.
    Tourist: That grunter just ate a car... (shows that Tank did simply that)

  • Stitch getting very ill of the Bard quickly, corking his guitar when he finally snaps.

"The Asteroid"

  • This line in "The Asteroid", after our heroes notice an old hermit on the asteroid, while on a mission to destroy information technology to foreclose information technology from colliding with Earth. The line isn't but hilariously ironic, it's made even funnier by how nonchalant and edgeless Jumba is about it.

    Jumba: (cheerfully) Howdy, we come in peace to accident upward your domicile.


  • An experiment'due south 1 true identify is being a Christmas ornamentation... and it ends up getting many aliens to come to see where the lite is coming from.
  • Kids are going up to a mall Santa and whispering to him what they want for Christmas. Stitch goes up, and whispers something causing Santa to exclaim, "Sugariness merciful Kringle! You're naughty!"


  • Lilo and Stitch + Time Traveling Surf Board = Hilarity Ensues. Highlights include:
    • Somehow causing a transport liner to crash into the hotel. And it has a literal Butterfly Effect.
    • Causing a overflowing.
    • Meeting themselves somehow.
    • Smashing a palm tree into the local cop's car.
    • Meeting Time to come Jumba after accidentally going forrard in time.
  • Stitch seems disinterested in the time travel aspects, rolling his eyes at Lilo's antics during the whole thing.
  • Future Jumba warning Present Jumba not to build a robot married woman. The reason: It was too like shooting fish in a barrel for it to hack into his depository financial institution account. This was right after teaching Lilo not to be going back in time to correct her mistakes.


  • A very shy rabbit-similar experiment who can disappear with a blink. It'south rather funny because it happens out of nowhere most of the time.
  • Mertle's aunt doesn't seem to know her niece exists.
  • Stitch attempting to saw his "lovely banana" (Pleakley) in half with a chainsaw.


  • Lilo makes an experiment that has a razor-sharp fin on information technology'southward head...into a sushi chef. Out of all the odd jobs she has given experiments, this is the height on the 'WTF' calibration.


  • All of the embarrassing secrets that Nosy reveals about the others, including Lilo's crush and Hämsterviel's diary.


  • Jumba goes rather... hammy when he returns to being evil afterwards Angel brainwashes him.


  • At the hospital, Lilo, Run up, and Pleakley are attacked past Gantu, leading into this:

    Lilo: Whoa, whoa, whoa-whoa-whoa. Let'due south exist rational hither. I recall that at that place's a style everyone can be happy. And that's if we just... calmly... RUN! (She, Pleakley, and Run up run abroad)
    Gantu: How does that make me happy?

  • Later, when Pleakley is in danger of exploding, Jumba's but business concern is that information technology might exist messy. His solution: getting a big towel.


  • Baby Gantu ends up getting thrown on to a slide, at which betoken 625 runs upward and reprimands him for hurting the slide.
  • When Nani is turned dorsum into an adult, her butt is stuck in the baby railroad vehicle, and she has to pull it out.


  • When Stitch tries to wake Lilo up, she says, in her sleep, "But we tin can't cantankerous the river without pickles."

Season 2


  • The protective adapt Pleakley puts on to protect himself from Experiment 319's spikes. The faces anybody make in response (peculiarly Nosy and Fibber) as seen at the summit of the page are priceless.
  • And of course there is the name of Pleakley'south therapy group.
  • Whenever someone is spiked, they go 99% sillier. This leads to goofy expressions, featherbrained answers at the trivia competition and mindset of silliness. This specially works on Sew together, who acts overly silly with this effect on him.
  • The following line from Jumba:

    Jumba: In 48 hours, 626 will return to having brain similar supercomputer. Until and so, yous'll have to settle for brain like chicken salad!

  • When Lilo takes Jumba and Pleakley to a museum to practice research for the quiz game, Pleakley looks at a souvenir T-shirt and reads that it'southward "dry out-clean only", immediately determining that such a question is certain to exist on the quiz. Against all odds and logic, he's proven correct.


  • Everyone going basics over Frenchfry's cooking... If not for the Nightmare Fuel with the titular experiment that is, though hearing his overly French emphasis is all the same kinda funny.
  • Throughout the story, Nani has struggled to become Lilo to consume the salubrious food she cooks, but to no avail. Towards the terminate, she convinces Lilo that her oatmeal and dear are actually mummy nutrient and ectoplasma. Lilo happily eats her food with newfound alertness. Nani's deadpan dialogue seals it:

    Nani: Should've tried that a long time agone.


  • A lot of characters get switched up; Hämsterviel and Gantu, Lilo and Stitch, etc. It'due south funny given that they kept their voices.
  • Stitch!Lilo's blueish-white mohawk. Merely... wow...
  • Rainbow Stitch. That is all.


  • Most of "Shoe" is funny, thanks to the horrible bad luck the titular experiment wreaks upon the entire cast: the whole affair is Amusing Injuries incarnate. Special mention goes to the scene where Lilo is trying to figure out how to help Shoe, while Run up watches from the windowsill - past the end of the scene, Stitch has been knocked on the caput, fallen out of the window and had his fingers smashed upon trying to climb dorsum in. The best part is the terminal battle with Gantu, all the same, which chop-chop turns into a game of "how bad can their luck peradventure get?" High points include Gantu beingness strapped to a hot air balloon and floating in forepart of a skeet shooting competition, and a random spurt of lava forming at Stitch'south feet out of nowhere.
  • When 625 tries to reveal one other detail near Shoe, Gantu tells him, "Quiet! I do not want to hear anymore about 113!" It turns into a Brick Joke later on on when 625 finally reveals that Shoe is as well a good-luck experiment and Gantu asks him why he didn't tell him earlier and 625 reveals that he got their whole conversation on tape, which leads into this:

    Gantu on tape: Quiet! I do not want to hear anymore nearly 113!
    Gantu: Just-
    Gantu on record: Merely zippo! Go make a sandwich!
    Gantu (getting aroused): You tin't talk to me like that!
    Gantu on tape: Yep? What are you gonna practise about it, trog?
    Gantu (takes out blaster and aims information technology at the tape recorder): Insolent device! Silence!
    Gantu on tape: I'chiliad not listening! Na, na, na, na-na-na! (Gantu blasts it to pieces)


  • While Nani is talking to the entire family unit, Sew simply wanders off while her back is turned and eats i of their potted plants. Cut to Lilo giving him a Expiry Glare. A few seconds later on, Lilo is talking to Nani again and Stitch only quietly spits the establish into the pot.
  • Retro turns a squirrel into a prehistoric rodent, making a surprise Jump Scare when information technology jumps into the Dune Buggy, just Pleakley is but curious.


  • Murphy putting one over on Gantu and having Morpholomew turn him into a rabbit.
  • Lilo thinking Jake is crazy for believing in magical creatures. Lilo is thinking this; Miss 'My-Family-Adopted-Aliens' herself!


  • Under Spats' Detest Plague, Jumba harasses a hotel critic with a full-blown chicken dance.
  • Penny seems to detect something is very off when she first meets Lilo and Sew together, making her ane of the showtime characters to question the mentality of the series.


  • Heckler (voiced past Will Sasso) spends the entire episode mocking everything well-nigh the characters, in many cases hilariously. The gold comes when he takes the mickey out of the show'southward two favorite phrases.

    Heckler: "Again with the ''ohana' and the 'ane true place!' I see y'all've read the dictionary of two phrases cover to cover!"

  • Crosses with Moment of Awesome, just Pleakley was able to make a great comedy routine past stealing Heckler's affair and was able to get the crowd and the audience laughing with Heckler'due south Schick.


  • Sew together, Lilo, Jumba and Pleakley all cease upward as insects... in a city Lilo built for her issues drove and apparently they worship her as a god.


  • Lilo hijacking Kim's parachute, making her have to pull it three times to get the actual chute out. She even packed in her doll when sneaking in.
  • Jumba mistaking Rufus for an experiment and the ensuing hilarity that involves him and Pleakley playing hot potato with Ron for him.


  • It's the Recess Gang meeting Lilo and Stitch while dealing with an experiment that causes them to get into a more than relaxed state. The jokes write themselves.


  • Gantu plans to utilise Affections's song to turn all the reformed experiments in Hawaii evil once again, simply for Experiment 120, the titular Snafu, to switch the tape with his karaoke recording. Who hasn't laughed with the people and experiments in town?


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