It Eats at Them It Eats at Us Dragonwings You ve Been Using Hand Claps Ruler Again Dragonwings

Dragonwings: Chapters vii–12

In the early on 1900s, a young boy leaves China to join his father in San Francisco, where they work to build a flying machine.

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  1. lair

    the identify where a wild fauna lives

    She was a demoness to me at that time, who lived in a magical kind of lair.

  2. fumble

    experience about uncertainly or blindly

    I fumbled around for some excuse.

  3. misgiving

    uneasiness virtually the fitness of an action

    She put the sugar bowl and the—ugh—cream jar away, despite her misgivings.

  4. tearing

    characterized past great force or energy

    Once I understood her, I shook my head vehemently.

  5. patronizing

    feature of those who care for others with arrogance

    Where some idiot similar myself would take been smug and patronizing, the demoness really wanted to acquire.

  6. boarder

    a tenant in someone's house

    I didn't fifty-fifty requite a thought to getting dinner for my boarders either."

  7. tenement

    a run-down apartment house barely meeting minimal standards

    I was to find out subsequently that he lived in the tenement firm next door.

  8. schematic

    diagram of an electrical or mechanical system

    And after the one-half-hour lesson would come up the reward, when nosotros would work at a model of a glider, imitating the pictures and schematics in the books.

  9. jargon

    technical terminology feature of a particular subject

    And he went into a lot of jargon well-nigh center of gravity and fly configuration.

  10. exasperated

    greatly annoyed; out of patience

    The demon girl made a minor exasperated sound.

  11. lurid

    glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism

    They were printed on cheap tan-colored paper with the most lurid newspaper covers, and they ranged beyond a wide variety of subjects.

  12. totter

    move unsteadily, with a rocking motion

    On the river, you might see a stately junk, tottering its way upstream, slatted sails rising to run into the wind.

  13. taut

    pulled or fatigued tight

    The line was already taut.

  14. exhilarating

    making lively and joyful

    "Flying is a rather exhilarating experience," she confessed to us.

  15. shrill

    having or emitting a loftier-pitched and sharp tone or tones

    She heard the shrill voices of the boys and of a sudden she nodded her head as if she understood.

  16. pagan

    relating to a polytheistic, pre-Christian religion

    "My aunt would never go in for those pagan customs—non in her house.

  17. undulate

    having a wavy advent

    Down the alley rima oris, I could see the cobblestone street undulate and twist like a cherry-red-backed snake.

  18. boisterous

    noisy and defective in restraint or discipline

    She huddled upward, looking no longer like the noisy, boisterous girl I knew.

  19. querulous

    habitually complaining

    From up the stairs nosotros could hear the querulous old voices of the boarders demanding to know what had happened.

  20. sluggish

    lacking energy, quickness, or alertness

    "There never was anything like a swat beyond the fundament to wake up a sluggish conscience."

  21. venerable

    impressive by reason of age

    "No," Lefty laughed, "only his excellent and venerable collection of wines."

  22. sprightly

    total of spirit and vitality

    Miss Whitlaw seemed to lose ten years and become sprightlier.

  23. ethereal

    characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy

    Miss Whitlaw sang "Barbara Allen" in a high, ethereal vocalization, with Robin helping her.

  24. ineptitude

    having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful

    Uncle but snorted, convinced that it was part of the general ineptitude of the deities who were in charge of the universe.

  25. ashamed

    past surprise

    The officer was taken aback.

  26. haughty

    having or showing arrogant superiority

    He became a piffling less haughty.

  27. fodder

    coarse food composed of plants or leaves and stalks

    Because it was difficult to get fodder for Red Rabbit—the demon soldiers now gave us breadstuff and water reluctantly, let alone fodder for our horse—we sent Hand Clap south with the wagon to some of our kinsmen.

  28. ramshackle

    in poor or broken-down condition

    Finally, Father stopped the wagon before two large, ramshackle buildings.

  29. malicious

    having the nature of threatening evil

    Information technology was like a river of light, and each light represented a person or possibly several people--the lights of their homes or the streetlights outside them; and I did non think of them as scrabbling for money or being stupid or malicious.

  30. rummage

    search haphazardly

    But when I got habitation and opened the side door to the barn, I institute Black Dog in that location, rummaging through our bedding.

  31. consecrate

    give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause

    "About those two lovers to whose memory I have consecrated myself."

  32. plucky

    showing courage

    "Well, you're a plucky lad, though yous're a fool.

  33. abominable

    unequivocally detestable

    "Why, to help you get that affair upward to the top of the loma," Uncle said. "Why else would we close upwardly our shop and accept a gunkhole and climb this beastly hill, all on the coldest, wettest 24-hour interval e'er known since creation?"

  34. whelp


    "For a moment, I idea the thing had whelped."

  35. dubiously

    in a doubtful manner

    Uncle looked dubiously upwards the steeply inclined hill.

  36. lurch

    move haltingly and unsteadily

    And Dragonwings, its wings waving over either side of the wagon, lurched frontward.

  37. auspicious

    indicating favorable circumstances and good luck

    "The horoscope book said this is a most auspicious 24-hour interval," he told Uncle.

  38. lavish

    bestow or expend profusely

    I raced toward Dragonwings, feeling equally if I had been betrayed. Somehow, after we had lavished and then much time and try and money on information technology, it should never have let one of its bolts snap and destroy itself and maybe kill Father.

  39. immense

    unusually bang-up in size or amount or extent or scope

    "Ah well, there's more to beingness a dragon than just flying," Father said. "Dragons have immense families besides.

  40. cantankerous

    stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate

    Uncle locked himself in his room for i whole nighttime and the next day came out as cross as ever.

Created on May fourteen, 2013 (updated December xix, 2018)


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