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Attraction is an essential component of a marriage or long-term relationship.[1] Marriages concluding longer and are more satisfying when spouses are attracted to ane another. Nevertheless, over the years it can be hard to prioritize attraction, especially when your other responsibilities increase. Pay attention to your physical cocky, develop your emotional self, and add excitement to your wedlock in order to ensure that your married man remains attracted to you.[2]

  1. 1

    Stay well-clean-cut. There are a lot of aspects of your appearance that yous cannot control. Luckily, however, attraction is based more on those parts of your advent that you tin control.[3] Staying neat, clean, and paying attention to your advent volition attract your husband more than finer than undertaking any drastic makeovers.[four] Exist sure that you:

    • Brush your teeth twice a 24-hour interval
    • Shower regularly
    • Shave or trim as appropriate
    • Keep your pilus combed and corking
  2. ii

    Buy prissy apparel that fit. You shouldn't have to change your style to please your husband. Still, having clean clothes that fit your body are central to seeming attractive.[5] It also helps to wear clothes that are a bit more than formal, so avoid sweatpants or ripped jeans.[half dozen] Look for comfortable, natural fabrics that are easy to care for such as cotton, wool, and silk: this will assist you keep your clothes in swell shape.

    • If you struggle to find clothes that fit, consider finding a store that specializes in your body type. The clerks should be able to guide you to well-plumbing fixtures clothes that suit your tastes.


  3. 3

    Wearable red. Men tend to be more attracted to women wearing ruby-red than women who wear other colors.[7] Red evokes passionate feelings and emotions, then buy some special red wear, undergarments, and lingerie if you want to make an impression.

  4. 4

    Stay moderately fit. Age does non practice the human body whatsoever favors. You don't demand to exist supermodel skinny or have a half dozen-pack to look attractive to your hubby, notwithstanding.[8] Simply manage your weight through a nutritious diet and moderate exercise to keep yourself salubrious and in shape.

    • Maintaining a healthy and moderately fit physical advent will also help you experience more cocky-confident. Self-confidence is often an attractive quality.
    • A little will commonly go a long way. Have a brisk walk 20 minutes each day. Cut dorsum on portion sizes and high-calorie foods.
  5. five

    Have good posture. Good posture makes your body look its best and inspires feelings of attraction in others.[ix] Stand up upwardly direct, sit up straight, and resist the urge to slump or slouch. Go along your head upwards and your shoulders dorsum in guild to appear your best.

  6. 6

    Buy with him in mind. One time in a while, purchase some sexy lingerie or a similarly sultry piece of wear. Show it to your husband and allow him know that you fabricated the purchase with him in heed. Y'all tin can as well consider purchasing something eye-catching in his favorite colour.

    • The way you evangelize the bulletin tin can have simply as big an touch on as the bulletin itself. For example, casually slip your newest piece of lingerie into his manus, then silently walk away with a slight sway in your hips. Your body language tin convey more significant than the words alone would.
  7. 7

    Give yourself a mini makeover. You don't need to completely transform your appearance: changing even i quality in a subtle mode can be enough to catch your husband'due south middle again.[10] Consider getting a new hairstyle, adding highlights to your pilus, or treating yourself to a day at the spa to give your peel a new glow. If you don't want the expense or permanency of a bigger change, effort something equally unproblematic as ownership a new shade of lipstick or eye makeup.

  8. eight

    Grinning. Smile is one of the most pregnant acts you tin can do to catch a man's eye when you lot're single, so it's niggling wonder that smiling at your man once you've married him will move him in the same way. Looking friendly, pleasant, and happy are keys to making your husband experience attracted to yous.[eleven]


  1. 1

    Project self-confidence. If you don't love yourself, your lack of conviction and cocky-esteem may bleed into the interactions you have with your husband. Confidence is an bonny quality, and conversely, a lack of confidence tin can make you lot seem unattractive.[12] Tell yourself that you are sexy, attractive, and interesting. Focus on your favorite qualities about yourself, and recall that your husband roughshod in honey with you for a expert reason.

    • Speaking confidently and having a confident, upright posture will help you lot demonstrate your self-esteem.
    • If you are unable to remove the negative thoughts you have nigh yourself, consider taking up practices similar meditation or therapy for a little extra help.
  2. 2

    Be your ain person. Being able to intendance for yourself emotionally tin help yous maintain a more than positive mental attitude. If yous depend on your husband completely, you are more than likely to feel critical when your husband fails to make you experience meliorate. This criticism could push button him further away. In order to work on existence your own person, you can:

    • Spend fourth dimension with your close friends and family unit
    • Work on a hobby
    • Take a class in something you are interested in
  3. 3

    Stay connected. Don't take your husband for granted. Value the time you spend together, and seek out quality time with him.[thirteen] Schedule dates or other ways to check in throughout the mean solar day. Talk to ane another on the phone, Skype, or text at least once a mean solar day in order to display that he is in your thoughts.

  4. four

    Get aid with chores when you're stressed out. It tin exist hard to focus on a matrimony when y'all accept kids, careers, homes, and other responsibilities. Be certain that you don't have too much on your plate if you desire to concentrate on attracting your husband.[fourteen] If y'all observe the stress edifice upward, find someone who tin can help share the load. This will likewise assistance reduce the likelihood of nagging, which is a buzzkill. You could:

    • Ask your hubby to do more chores[15]
    • Ask a friend to help you out around the business firm
    • Rent a babysitter to requite yous some relief
    • Use a cleaning service to take care of chores at domicile
  5. v

    Ask your husband questions nearly himself. Remaining curious about your hubby is central to revitalizing your marriage. Don't act like he is predictable or boring: tell yourself there is always more to learn nigh him.[16] Enquire him to talk near his life, emotions, and experiences in society to grow your human relationship and your attraction to ane some other.

  6. 6

    Talk most your feelings. Don't keep your emotions a hugger-mugger from your husband. Tell him what y'all are thinking and feeling. Don't be ashamed if you need actress support.[17] Be honest and tell yourself that sharing your emotions is key to growing and developing a marriage rooted in mutual attraction.[18]

  7. 7

    Laugh together. As you lot grow older, you might showtime treating life with a greater degree of seriousness than you lot did as a young newlywed. Be serious when seriousness is called for, merely make sure that you lot still know how to laugh—and make sure your married man knows that you tin all the same laugh, too. In social club to proceed your sense of sense of humor alive in your spousal relationship, you tin can:

    • Develop inside jokes
    • Go to a live comedy show
    • Rent a funny motion-picture show
    • Permit become of your inhibitions and act goofy or empty-headed sometimes
  8. 8

    Demonstrate your allure to your husband. Show him that you all the same notice him attractive. He will exist more than attracted to you in turn. There is nothing more attractive than being seen by others as attractive. In guild to testify your hubby how attractive he is, you can:

    • Tell your husband how much you lot love him
    • Flirt with him
    • Make middle contact
    • Compliment his appearance and personality
    • Initiate sex
  9. 9

    Be supportive. Pay attention to your husband's needs and desires. Give him emotional and physical support when he's feeling depression, even if he isn't honest nigh needing that support. Make sure your hubby can feel love emanating from yous through the sort of treatment y'all give him.

    • Take an interest in his interests. You don't need to force yourself to beloved everything he feels passionately nearly, but encourage him to talk to you about his passions by being an agile listener.
    • Exercise something special for him every once in a while. Plan a surprise party on his birthday or cook his favorite meal. Offer to pack him a lunch or give him a shoulder massage after an especially long, tiresome mean solar day at work.
    • Show sympathy if he is having a hard time.
  10. 10

    Don't play games. You might exist tempted to remember that making your hubby jealous will cause him to come up rushing to your side. Notwithstanding, this sort of thinking backfires more than often than not. Concenter your husband with your honesty and care, not with dangerous games.

  11. 11

    Resolve conflicts quickly. Don't let problems in your matrimony fester. Talk through your conflicts and issues in order to articulate the air.[xix] If your husband seems afar or withdrawn, sit down with him and talk about what the trouble is. Once everything is brought out into the open up, the ii of yous can figure out how to make things better together.

    • Understand that bug in your wedlock might have nothing to do with you. If your husband no longer finds you attractive, at that place could be a medical problem behind it, or there can be something going on with him psychologically, spiritually, or emotionally that yous have no command over.


  1. 1

    Resolve to share exciting experiences with your husband. Studies evidence that marriages are more satisfying when couples do exciting, stimulating activities with 1 another. Experiencing new activities, foods, places, and ideas can help reinforce the union bond.[20] Some skillful ideas to add excitement to a relationship include:

    • Watching a scary or exciting picture show
    • Joining a sports team or athletic club
    • Going somewhere new
    • Taking a hike in nature
  2. ii

    Integrate touch into your twenty-four hour period. Positive touch is essential to maintaining a connexion with your partner. Brand certain this positive, intimate touch is routine throughout your day--non just during sex activity.[21] Notice ways to initiate sensual touching in your daily life. For example, you tin:

    • Rub your husband'southward cervix as he cooks dinner
    • Stroke his hair while y'all sentry a movie together
    • Hold hands while you lot take a walk
    • Give him frequent pecks on the cheek
    • Offer to give him a backrub when he's feeling sore
  3. 3

    Indulge each other's sexual fantasies. Make sure your sex life doesn't remain rote or routine. Ask your husband almost his sexual desires, and tell him near yours.[22] Support one another in bringing your sexual desires to life. Even if y'all might not have kinks to share, you lot tin still add together spice to your marriage by shaking things upwards in the chamber:

    • Try a new sexual position
    • Rent a hotel room and order room service
    • Hire a bodyguard to watch the kids overnight so yous don't have to worry about beingness interrupted
    • Massage ane another
    • Article of clothing new lingerie
  4. 4

    Focus on quality, not quantity, of sexual activity. Information technology is normal for the frequency of sexual activity in a marriage to decrease over time, specially if you have kids. However, y'all nonetheless accept to focus on your sex life in gild to keep your allure strong.[23] Tell yourself that it is better to have proficient, mutually pleasurable sex than it is to take a lot of bad sexual practice.

  5. 5

    Kiss at to the lowest degree 10 seconds per day. Kissing releases endorphins and allows couples to reinforce their bonds of attraction. Be certain that you take the fourth dimension to osculation your husband for at least 10 seconds per day. Y'all will feel closer, more than satisfied, and happier with i another.[24]


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    How practise I support my husband when he'southward going through a hard time?

    Michelle Joy, MA, MFT

    Michelle Joy is a licensed Marriage and Family unit Therapist and serves on the Lath of Directors for the Couples Institute Counseling Services in the San Francisco Bay Area. With almost xx years of therapy training and experience, Michelle offers couples therapy intensives, communication workshops, and Spousal relationship Prep101 Workshops. Michelle is also a certified Enneagram teacher, has presented at the 25th annual International Enneagram Conference, and is a graduate of The Developmental Model of Couples Therapy – Advanced Level. She received an MS in Counseling Psychology from Santa Clara Academy.

    Michelle Joy, MA, MFT

    Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

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    If your married man's going through a difficult fourth dimension, let him know that you love him and are there for him no matter what. You lot should likewise take the time to really mind to him and validate what he'south going through. Then, ask him how you can assistance. Everyone's dissimilar, so listen to how your husband would similar to be supported.

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  • Working consciously on attraction in your matrimony is of import. However, information technology shouldn't exist a college priority than your own feelings and well-being. Don't let go of your own needs in order to delight your spouse.

  • Understand that marriages will take many highs and lows over the years. Increasing responsibilities over time--especially children and careers--can take a cost on a marriage. Tell yourself that this is normal and will get better over fourth dimension.

  • Focus on the concrete and emotional components of attraction. Remember to make sure that your marriage is one that is rooted in respect and care as well equally physical attraction.


  • A macerated sex drive can be the outcome of a medical condition such as depression, fatigue, low blood force per unit area, diabetes, or substance abuse.[25] If your married man's libido is abnormally low, encourage him to see a md or therapist.



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    Nooraini Ismail

    May 27, 2016

    "Thank you very much for the info. I always wait down on my self every bit I am not immature and attractive anymore. I e'er..." more than

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